Category Archives: tunes

Pick of the Week: The Night VI

I knew about this for several weeks but was saving it, and then as usual my computer broke, and weeks turned into months.  (I’m using my mom’s laptop now). But let me tell you I’m obsessed with this song. You know the replay button on youtube? Yeah.

The Night VI hail from London, Birmingham, Bogota, Northampton, and Paris (according to their facebook page) and were founded in 2010. All six members sing, and from what I’ve heard so far, this group has a very gentle, effortless sound. Look, watch the video and meet your new favorite band.

Pick of the Week: Little Hurricane

Little Hurricane is a two-piece rock band, formed in 2010, out of San Diego, California.

this song. it’s just so cool.

Pick of the Week: Geographer

Geographer is another indie rock trio, this time from San Francisco.  They lend a lovely synth-pop twist to this beautiful Arthur Russel cover.


Shout out to my newest friend Tyler for last week’s pick as well as this one.  This blog’s about to get a whole lot indier due to him.

Pick of the Week: Two Door Cinema Club

Irish indie rock trio released their new EP “Changing of the Seasons” this week.

The second track Crystal is a departure from the band’s typical upbeat sound and is probably one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard.  My only complaint is that it’s only 3:23.

pick of the week: Taylor Swift

Hey guys!

been a while. I’ve got some new posts coming soon, including one about Hurricane Sandy and a long(er) music post about Mumford and Sons new album.  But school’s been crazy, so in the meantime, this is the pick of the week.

Seriously. I don’t care if this song isn’t as beautifully crafted as something from say, Bon Iver or Regina Spektor.  But Taylor does put thought and work into her albums. And it’s actually her singing them (and writing the songs). She’s fantastic in her own way, and most importantly,

this song is really fun and sassy.

pick of the week: Stray Cats

I’ve been listening to this on repeat. Seriously.  The other night I had a dream I could turn into a cat and I think it was partly because of this song. Remember the Lovecats song by the Cure? Remember the Aristocats? They can be pesky pets, but cats are cool. They have swagger. Everybody wants to be a cat.

And this song by the Stray Cats themselves is especially cool because it has that hepcat jive from the swing era. (Guys! Upright bass!) And I gotta say that I love the Stray Cats and Brian Setzer for keeping a jazzy, jivey rock-and-roll alive in the midst of the New Age 80’s.

pick of the week: Muse

This week’s post goes out to Muse, who just released their new album “The 2nd Law.” No, I don’t know what it refers to.  But it sounds cool.  Anyway, here’s the single, Madness.  And please watch it with the video, it’s unbelievably awesome.  A fantastic concept.

And now I’ll tell you why I love this song.  Besides that IT’S MUSE, this song is full of the most incredible tension.  The heavy bass and slow pace, not to mention mournful vocals, make it so intense and passionate and you’re just waiting it for it to break into an upbeat crescendo… but it doesn’t.  The genius in this song is where it holds itself back- which is a great contrast to the video.  Oh my gosh, just watch, it’s great. Shoutout to my facebook friend kaitlin who posted it, I wouldn’t have seen it otherwise.

pick of the week: Led Zeppelin

all I have to say about this, is that I forgot about this song, and then I remembered it, and now I love it again. it rocks.

pick of the week: of monsters and men

I have been loving Of Monsters and Men this summer. And I have the feeling it’s the kind of music that can carry over into fall and winter, too.  I put their album My Head Is An Animal on my spotify ‘summer’ playlist and hopefully I’ll soon purchase the hard copy.

Have you heard of them? listened to the music? do you like it? I want to know.

kid architect

All right Eastern Shore. You guys read all my posts right? no? ok.

well if you did, you might remember this post, where I talk up the band Kid Architect:

“The Great Pretend by Kid Architect: an amazing psychadelic rock concept album, fueled by frontman Thomas Bridgwood’s energy-filled keyboard and haunting vocals, where every song flows perfectly into the next.  Although my music knowledge is somewhat limited, I must say it is THE BEST stand alone album that I know of right now. Another plus: they are just starting to rise in popularity, so if you jump on this bandwagon now you can be a true indie kid. [Also they are local. so, support, please!]”

let’s hear what other’s are saying about this band, shall we?

from March 2011, Magazine33’s take on Kid Architect:

“…Whether you’re the kind of person who enjoys the experience of the live show, or if you prefer rocking out to albums on your own accord, Kid Architect greatly exceeds your expectations in both fields.  The band has absolutely no flawed elements except for maybe the fact that, in a more perfect world, these men would be getting paid full-time to create and progress their art together.”

Here’s part of a review DC Music Download wrote about their recent show at Jammin Java:

“Kid Architect songs deal in big ideas. On stage, Bridgwood sang of heaven, hell and eternal love over heavy drums, bright finger tapped guitar solos and the bold chords he pounded out on his keyboard. Songs from their first album The Great Pretend (released Jan ’11)  were met with cheers of recognition, and were interspersed with a few new tunes as well.”

And in case you’re not convinced, Brightest Young Things lists their recent show at the Rock and Roll Hotel in DC as a show “you should blow your $$ on.”

In short, Kid Architect is a fantastic band.  They’re my friends, sort of, but they’re also one of my favorite bands to listen to, and have been for over a year, which is saying something. Their shows are cheap- 10 to 15 dollar range- which means poor college students like me can afford to go.  And they put on the best shows.  Seriously. Those huge music festivals where you sit in the nosebleeds and can’t see the bands? Not nearly as much fun as a Kid Architect show.

Why do you need to know all this? WHAT’S THE CONNECTION??

You’re in luck, Eastern Shore! Kid Architect is coming to play a show on May 12 at Mallard’s in Onancock. here are the details:

And if you get there early enough, a friend and I will be opening the show with one or two original songs and a few covers. See you all there!