Tag Archives: the civil wars

pick of the week: ALL the music

I haven’t done this in a while so I’m just gonna blast you guys with all my most recent music obsessions.

this one is my end-of-finals song but I’ve been obsessed for two weeks. Demi’s got such an incredible voice, and also, wordplay. and there’s just something about this song that is just right for springtime. I listen to so much serious music and this is really fun. I sing to it with all my windows down.

Kingdom Come is off the Hunger Games soundtrack which is an incredible soundtrack to go with an incredible movie.  I love the Civil Wars and this song is gorgeous. also I’m playing it at a show next week.

oh, Gotye. It’s so cool that a song this weird is so popular. I don’t listen to the radio because I don’t know the good stations around here, so I didn’t hear this until my very cool brother put it on a playlist for me. then I listened to it about three times a day for a week. the really weird thing is I didn’t like the rest of the album at all.

I just got the album Boxer from The National. The National is my absolutely favorite band, and Boxer is great.  This song is right in the middle and it is perfect. It might be the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever heard. (although I cry pretty hard to safe and sound by taylor swift, also off the hunger games soundtrack).


I’m gonna try a new thing here: if you guys have music suggestions for me, post a comment! tell me what I should listen to next!

now playing: build

Wow! It has been so long since I posted anything. Time for another music post.

So these are some songs I’ve been obsessed with recently.  All of them have a really good build, kind of an expansion or swell.  They sound like a story with a beginning and an epic climax and then a denouement.  Enjoy the ride: